FEAR GOOD MOVIES * For some reasons, I didn’t fully realize that there is a genre where you get to actually laugh at gory movies. Seriously. I thought it’s either comedy or it’s slasher gore-horror…
Browsing Category Movie reviews
When Pigs Have Wings | Das Schwein Von Gaza
2011, Sylvain Estibal (Director/Writer), Sasson Gabai (Jafaar), Baya Belal (Fatime), Myriam Tekaia (Yelena) There are movies that made me thought: I want to write something like that. I want to be a storyteller. I realized…
Berlinale 2012 | Kebun Binatang (Postcards from the Zoo)
Last weekend was our Berlinale time. The whole film festival took place on 9-19 February 2012, but the ones we would like to see just happens to be on that last weekend. Ten films (five…
My Movie List for the 61st Berlinale Film Festival 2011
I can’t believe it’s almost that time of the year again, where I will be queuing half a day long to get a couple of tickets for the movie I want to see. Rest assured,…
Berlinale Movies I'd Love to See
It was quite a daunting task to go through the list of movies as there are over 300 of them. But I wanted to go through each one of their description, trying to make sure…