Having been to Berlinale almost every year since 2008, I might learn a few lessons in getting tickets and how to navigate through the festival. How and where to get them, and what you need…
Posts tagged Berlinale
Berlinale 2016, Part One: Culinary Cinema
It’s a wrap! This year I watched slightly more movies than usual. 2 Culinary Cinemas: Ants on a Shrimp and Wanton Mee, 3 Panoramas: War on Everyone, Goat, Junction 48 3 Berlinale Special Gala:…
Berlinale 2013 Impressions – Part One
This year, I went to 11 movies and a lecture. Seven different venues, lots of running around (late and denied entry to one screening), and even more fun in the process. If you’re wondering how…
5 Myths of Berlinale
Another year of Berlinale, another great time with the festival. Intense two weeks as usual. Organizing which movies I wanted to see, getting the tickets, running around town to get to the venues. It’s one…
Berlinale 2012 | Kebun Binatang (Postcards from the Zoo)
Last weekend was our Berlinale time. The whole film festival took place on 9-19 February 2012, but the ones we would like to see just happens to be on that last weekend. Ten films (five…