Signing up for NaNoWriMo 2009

nano_09_blk_participant_100x100_1.png I’ve made the pledge again this year to join NaNoWriMo, one of the most exciting literary event on the Interwebs. Just in case you haven’t heard about it before, it is an event held every year in November (now is their eleventh year) where a huge bunch of crazy writers tried to scram 50.000 words out of their system into their novel. It wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t impossible either (some people even finished at 100.000 words *gasp*). And of course, nobody would expect your novel to be brilliant in the end of the month either ;).

For me, NaNoWriMo is a great for two things. First, it is an opportunity to get rid of my inner editor, the sometimes too perfectionist inner me who always tried to criticize what I write. In November, she’s definitely going on a vacation! Second, you get to meet fellow writers, or at least people crazy enough to embark on this adventure with you. This is very helpful to know that you’re not alone and there are people who would be more than happy to support and help you. I met some new wonderful friends through NaNoWriMo and we became support groups for each other :).

Now I’m still looking for an idea of what to write this year. I thought of finishing my novel but this might backfire because then I would care too much about the story and the characters (and believe me it might not be the best idea when you’re trying to write 2000 words a day and you have a day job). I wanted this one to be a novella, something only about 50-60.000 words so I can finish the story in one month. I’m currently reading novellas (The Reader – Bernhard Schlink, The Picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde) to get some inspiration. If you come across other novella I should read, please let me know in the comments. Thank you!

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  1. LindaN September 26, 2009 at 10:08 am

    I’m considering plurking an idea/example for those that takes part sometimes this weekend.

    1. paramita September 26, 2009 at 4:46 pm

      Awesome! I’m looking forward to it :). Hopefully we’ll manage to tempt you into joining in too :D.


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