Einstein Tower, Potsdam

Einstein Tower (Einsteinturm auf Deutsch) is a solar observatory located in the Albert Einstein Science Park in Potsdam, Germany. Designed by Erich Mendelsohn, it has a very unusual shape for buildings designed in 1920s. It is one of the landmarks of expressionist architecture. Einstein Tower, side view

I love how unusual the tower design is. Reminded me of submarines.

See how beautiful it is? And the lovely surroundings too!

[slickr-flickr tag=”Einstein Tower” autoplay=”off”]

We went there on foot, walking from Potsdam’s main train station. It wasn’t that far, only around 1km, but it was a steady uphill climb. We didn’t mind, but please put it into consideration if you decide to do the same. It seemed like everybody else either took a car or a bike.

There also supposed to be a bus going there, although it doesn’t go on weekends (at least at the time I went – last year).

Nice sceneries are guaranteed. Along the way you’ll walk pass some nice apartment buildings, woods, and an adventure park. Refreshing break from Berlin city buzz ;).

Now, the Einstein Tower itself is located inside a University/Research complex. The complex has an entrance gate, so I’m not sure if you could take the car in. From there, it’s still quite a walk to get to the building. I remember going “Oh noez!” but no worries, there’s plenty of pretty buildings and sceneries for a nice distraction.

Link to Google map for the location of Einstein Tower.

I would recommend going here if you love unusual architecture and you have an extra half day in Potsdam. If you only have a day, go to Sans Souci and the city center first!


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  1. Alison Stevens May 3, 2011 at 8:24 am

    That’s awesome! I had no idea it was there. We definitely need to get out to Potsdam more often, and this is now on the top of our list!

    1. astrid May 3, 2011 at 6:37 pm

      Yes it’s very nice! I think it should be even nicer to go there by bike. The university complex has a couple of interesting building as well. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it :).


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