And I’m still feeling overwhelmed. I feel like I’m a bad campaigner because I haven’t been visiting the sites of my fellow campaigner :(. So sorry guys!
I realized I might have been too ambitious on taking on this project. I registered myself in 4 linky lists, and when I listed all the people in my group, it totaled to 101 blog. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to get to know everyone but I’m still trying to work out a plan to visit everyone’s blog.
Currently I have it all on my list and I plan to visit at least 15 blogs a day. That way I know I’ll be able to make a round to everyone at least once a week :).
Did I miss something here? Do you fellow campaigners have a better idea? Do share!
Do you do Google Reader? This is the only way I can keep up with all the blogs. I know Rachel did a couple blog posts on this…wait, I think I can find the link…
I open the Reader once a day and I can go through most of the blogs in a short amount of time (more if I stop to comment). I don’t know how anyone gets through all the blogs without a Reader or another thing like it.
I’m starting to use it again now. You’re right, I think it’s the easier way to do it. Thanks for the link 🙂
Althoguh I still need some time to go through everyone’s blog and made the initial comments (which I’m not finished doing yet. Yikes!)
I feel your pain — I joined 5 groups, and that was within the first day or so that registration was open. I didn’t anticipate that so many others would participate, so my Google reader is a little frightening to look at (I currently have 1000+ unread posts, after not looking at it for a few days. Scary.).
I’m also aiming to visit each person roughly once a week, checking in on 10-15 each day. It’s not ideal, but it’s the only solution I’ve been able to come up with.
p.s. I originally signed up for the campaign as Jamila Jamison, but I adopted a pen name last Sunday, just in case you missed the announcement that I tweeted. 😀
Ayy! And as the day goes by, I’m not sure I could even keep up with the 10-15 blogs a day… Let’s see how this works out :p
I think I might’ve missed your announcement, but I remember your picture 🙂
Hey, you’re not alone. I feel like a bad campaigner too. Just do what you can. But yes, get Google Reader. it’s the only way to keep up.
just the same with less excuse as it’s not my first campaign!! still trogging around thus I say – hi fellow campaigner, so sorry I’m late, – will get to the end of my list one day I am sure I will – blogger thing good but needs to be sorted to begin with and I haven’t found the time yet!!!!
I’ve been struggling to get out to everyone’s sites, too. Mostly I’ve been trying to hit ten or twelve a day–but this weekend was crazy so I haven’t been out to blogs for several days.
Astrid, There too many Campaigners for me to keep up with. I didn’t know you were a campaigner. I just started following you on twitter after I got a mention from you. Thanks and happy authoring!
That’s pretty much what I do. I list everyone in my blog roll, under “Fantasy Campaigners” “New Adult Campaigners” ect. and then spend an hour or so a day visiting as many as I can. I get through all of them in a week and then start over at the top of the list again 🙂
Unless you have nothing else to do, it would be overwhelming. I am working on a few projects so haven’t had a lot of time to make the rounds. I’m trying to do some visiting this weekend.