Two Weeks Into Campaigning…

And I’m still feeling overwhelmed. I feel like I’m a bad campaigner because I haven’t been visiting the sites of my fellow campaigner :(. So sorry guys!

I realized I might have been too ambitious on taking on this project. I registered myself in 4 linky lists, and when I listed all the people in my group, it totaled to 101 blog. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to get to know everyone but I’m still trying to work out a plan to visit everyone’s blog.

Currently I have it all on my list and I plan to visit at least 15 blogs a day. That way I know I’ll be able to make a round to everyone at least once a week :).

Did I miss something here? Do you fellow campaigners have a better idea? Do share!

(Visited 44 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Liz A. September 14, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    Do you do Google Reader? This is the only way I can keep up with all the blogs. I know Rachel did a couple blog posts on this…wait, I think I can find the link…

    I open the Reader once a day and I can go through most of the blogs in a short amount of time (more if I stop to comment). I don’t know how anyone gets through all the blogs without a Reader or another thing like it.

    1. astrid September 15, 2011 at 4:52 pm

      I’m starting to use it again now. You’re right, I think it’s the easier way to do it. Thanks for the link 🙂
      Althoguh I still need some time to go through everyone’s blog and made the initial comments (which I’m not finished doing yet. Yikes!)

  2. Lena Corazon September 15, 2011 at 10:12 am

    I feel your pain — I joined 5 groups, and that was within the first day or so that registration was open. I didn’t anticipate that so many others would participate, so my Google reader is a little frightening to look at (I currently have 1000+ unread posts, after not looking at it for a few days. Scary.).

    I’m also aiming to visit each person roughly once a week, checking in on 10-15 each day. It’s not ideal, but it’s the only solution I’ve been able to come up with.

    p.s. I originally signed up for the campaign as Jamila Jamison, but I adopted a pen name last Sunday, just in case you missed the announcement that I tweeted. 😀

    1. astrid September 16, 2011 at 2:04 pm

      Ayy! And as the day goes by, I’m not sure I could even keep up with the 10-15 blogs a day… Let’s see how this works out :p

      I think I might’ve missed your announcement, but I remember your picture 🙂

  3. Elena Aitken September 16, 2011 at 9:24 pm

    Hey, you’re not alone. I feel like a bad campaigner too. Just do what you can. But yes, get Google Reader. it’s the only way to keep up.

  4. alberta ross September 19, 2011 at 4:11 pm

    just the same with less excuse as it’s not my first campaign!! still trogging around thus I say – hi fellow campaigner, so sorry I’m late, – will get to the end of my list one day I am sure I will – blogger thing good but needs to be sorted to begin with and I haven’t found the time yet!!!!

  5. Heather Justesen September 20, 2011 at 4:52 am

    I’ve been struggling to get out to everyone’s sites, too. Mostly I’ve been trying to hit ten or twelve a day–but this weekend was crazy so I haven’t been out to blogs for several days.

  6. Gary Gauthier September 20, 2011 at 2:36 pm

    Astrid, There too many Campaigners for me to keep up with. I didn’t know you were a campaigner. I just started following you on twitter after I got a mention from you. Thanks and happy authoring!

  7. Rebecca Enzor September 22, 2011 at 4:36 pm

    That’s pretty much what I do. I list everyone in my blog roll, under “Fantasy Campaigners” “New Adult Campaigners” ect. and then spend an hour or so a day visiting as many as I can. I get through all of them in a week and then start over at the top of the list again 🙂

  8. J.L. Campbell September 30, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    Unless you have nothing else to do, it would be overwhelming. I am working on a few projects so haven’t had a lot of time to make the rounds. I’m trying to do some visiting this weekend.


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