I was just back from my vacation in Indonesia, but instead of posting pictures from it, I felt like I needed to write something as an ode to Berlin. Remind myself that this city could be pretty too. (note: currently it’s such a crappy spring here, snowing on the last day of March!)
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Hi There, I love the installation with colorful balls in front of the TV Tower. I have been searching to see if it is still there and can’t seem to find an answer. Would you happen to know if they are still there? And if so, are you familiar with the artist who installed them?
Hi Sophia,
No, it was not there anymore. If I remember correctly it was in Fall 2012, part of Berlin’s 775th birthday. Currently the park is closed as well, part of this new construction of the palace in front of the museum island. I don’t know who the artist is either… I’ll dig up some old pictures and if I find something, I’ll post it here :).