I am the Berlin Geekette of the Month! While you’re at it, check out the startup I’m founding: twindly.
Browsing Category tech
Supposedly going to be things related to my experience doing tech stuff, although right now it looked like it’s only reviews of gadgets and softwares.
iPhone 4S Review, 6 Months On
Sometimes I wonder when I read reviews of products. Everyone tends to have bigger preferences with the shiny new things. But after a while, do they still love it? Well, I’m happy to report that…
iPhone 4S Camera Test – part One
My iPhone 4S came last Friday (yes, I pre-ordered). The reason I got it (apart from needing a new phone) is the camera. It was advertised as “the best camera ever on a mobile phone”…
Guest Post at #amwriting Blog
I’m at the #amwriting blog today, offering my 9 Tips on Designing Your Own (Good Looking) Website. Do visit and let me know your thoughts!
Doing Some Blog Maintenance
Oh fun! Right? Well… yeah not really. I was planning to do update some functionalities on my blog. I wanted to have the nested comment thing because as it turned out, my theme didn’t support…