First of all, I’m actually a gamer chick. We have almost all consoles in our apt and I love playing racing games, puzzles, and lately I’m loving this type of adventure, jumping, fighting, killing type of game (so please don’t associate me as girl gamers with the likes of those Barbie loves Pony kind of things).
Second of all, I just need to shout that Assassin’s Creed 2 is super awesome. I love love love this game. It’s the best game so far! (I don’t want to say ever because I’m hoping they will be more games like this in the future). The graphic is fantastic, the story is believable, and the gameplay is fun.
I love the setting in Italy, I’ve been to some of the cities in the game (Florence and Venice) and it does feel like you’re walking there again. Only this time you get to assassinate people :D. Bad joke. But yeah actually I love the fighting in this game, and I’m more of the fighter than the hiding type assassin (you can play both in ac2).
It’s not that difficult to play so it’s not too stressful for us who don’t have the whole day playing game. But it’s challenging enough, a bit gore-ish, and funny. We made it a couple of days ago to get the Master Assassin trophy, which means we got all the achievements in the game. Yay! So far we’ve clocked in 45 hours of game play over the course of 1 month.
You can find hubby’s article on this game over here. And yeah sometimes I frown when he sneaked away when I could actually finish all the guards.
Now I’m hoping Ubisoft will release those extra mission soon.