As a writer, I feel the importance of having the emotions in my story. Every time I read a book, I just love it when the author managed to make me cry, laugh, or feeling the butterflies in my stomach when the characters get together (aren’t we all?). But to put such experience on paper, was something I still need to learn a lot.
Sometimes I feel my life was not really one that was filled with extraordinary emotions. I didn’t (thank God) experienced war, never really felt love at first sight (hubby and I went from acquaintance to friends to dating to married for more than 5 yrs), I don’t know how it feels when my best friend was killed. True, I could look at the news, or documentary, or good movies, and I could imagine what they feel at the moment. Still, imagining it sometimes just not enough to get the essence.
That’s when I’m really thankful for the dreams, even the ones that would wake me up sweating from the intensity. Because from the realness I felt in my heart, even for a moment, I know how it felt.
Please share, how did you get the inspirations to write the emotions in your novel?