Posts tagged inspiration
9 Things: Books That Changed My Life
A friend of mine over at Tetesan Cinta Deetopia posted this a while ago. Books that changed our life. What does it mean actually? Books that made me realize something about my life and nudge…
9 Things: Keeping My Spirits Up
Sometimes those non happy days are just inevitable, be it a bad news in the mailbox, dark clouds on the horizon, eternal winter darkness, or simply too much stress combined with PMS. What to do……
9 Things: Times You Took A Chance
I got this idea over from Karen at Make Up And Beauty Blog. When I first saw it, I thought it’s going to be quite simple, since somehow I managed to think of myself as…
Musing Around
I haven’t really thought of my muse. Why? Maybe I was too practical before? Although admittedly I babble with myself every time I got some ideas in my head… hopefully that didn’t put me in…