9 Things: Books That Changed My Life

A friend of mine over at Tetesan Cinta Deetopia posted this a while ago. Books that changed our life. What does it mean actually? Books that made me realize something about my life and nudge me into the direction I’m heading right now? I guess so. I hope this post can also give you some insight into what kind of journey I’m in right now, and perhaps you could even get to know me better.

Some of these books I read a long time ago. I didn’t really remember what was exactly in the book, but I remember the lesson it taught me. So, without further ado, here is my list:

  • Being Happy!Being Happy! by Andrew Matthews
    The first time I read this book was some time during my teenage years. It was on one of those angst days when I feel like all the world had turned against me and I won’t ever get a boyfriend (which was the most important thing as a teenager!). Good old days that I’m so glad I’m out of it :P. Anyways, one thing that really struck me from this book was a cartoon of a grave with the headstone saying, “Here lies a person who will be happy tomorrow.” Right then I was determined to be a happy person now. Why must we wait to be happy? This book also taught me to smile to the world if I want the world to smile back at me. Give, and you shall receive. Be happy, and all the joy shall come to you. I stand by it, and most importantly, I am happy now.
  • Rich Dad, Poor DadRich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
    This book is an eye opener for me. I always thought before there’s only one way to live my life. Go to university, get a good grade, graduate, and get a job in a big multinational company. At one point when I’m about to finish my degree, I felt trapped. Somehow it’s not a life I feel like doing. I’m just so happy to know there’s another way to it. This book also opened my eyes on financial education, how money could be a different game for other people. We might or might not cut out to be entrepreneurs or business owners but it’s important for me to know there is always a choice.
  • The Blue Day BookThe Blue Day Book by Bradley Trevor Greive
    For those of you who haven’t read this one, please do! It’s such a wonderful little picture animal book guaranteed to make you smile by the time you’re on the last page. I know now we have sites like icanhascheezburger.com, but this book was way before that. Plus there’s some happiness wisdom to get you through those blue days πŸ™‚
  • The AlchemistThe Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
    The very famous “follow your dream” fiction book. Almost everyone I know had read it. It gave me the nudge to follow my dreams, to try and discover my personal legend. It was one reason I got the guts to be a novelist. It also somehow ensures me, that even if it’s not an easy road going there, I will get there eventually and I will be happy on the way because I’m following my bliss!
  • The Creative LicenseThe Creative License: Giving Yourself Permission to be the Artist You Truly Are by Danny Gregory
    The most important lesson I got from this book is to appreciate and cherish every moment in my life. Even if it’s just a bread I have for breakfast, because tomorrow it will be a different bread ;). As we grow old, it’s so easy to fall into routines and never really enjoy the moment we are in.
  • Think BIGThink BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life by Donald J. Trump & Bill Zanker
    After a while being an artist, working on my own at home. It’s very easy to retreat into a role of being satisfied to what I have. Yes, it’s important to have gratitude, but it’s also equally important to have ambition. When I set out to be a writer, I didn’t want to be just published. I want my book to be a best seller in Amazon. Crazy? Maybe. But I’d rather be crazy and aim for the stars! Don’t let adversaries stop you. Keep going and dream big. Also from this book I’m glad to know that it’s okay to take revenge from time to time :P.
  • LinchpinLinchpin by Seth Godin
    This book helped me understood the possible source of my bad procrastinating habit. It wasn’t from hating my job, but it’s a part of my brain which tried to sabotage me. A part that is scared of change. Good for me, he named that part lizard brain. Since lizards gave me the creeps to start with, it’s easier to switch the mindset to ignore the lizard, thus banish procrastination!
  • Jamie's ItalyJamie’s Italy by Jamie Oliver
    My first cookbook. I know I can cook but I didn’t know how good. Mind you, cooking isn’t my hobby but eating good food is. So, I know I love Italian food but it’s not always affordable to eat out over here. This book convinced me that we could cook as good as a restaurant menu. Not all, but some. Oh, and I said ‘we’ because I can’t cook without the hubs being my second in command :).
  • What I Talk About When I Talk About RunningWhat I Talk About, When I Talk About Running by Haruki Murakami
    I love how Murakami compared running with writing a novel. I wasn’t a runner back then, and although I’m not even sure I’m a runner now, I could relate so much on how writing a novel is comparable to running a marathon. His book inspired me to get more in shape, as I believe a healthy body is a good host to achieve a healthy and creative mind. This book inspired me to run, at first just to feel the connection stated in this book. As time goes by, I started to like running, the serenity I felt and the ease of tension afterwards. A little note: I actually sucked at running. I could run for more than an hour but I could only go at an average of 6 km/h. Slow but sure, like a tortoise :D.

There! I wrote it all down. It took me longer than I thought, but it’s been fun to think back on them. How about you? Do we have a book in common? Please share me yours πŸ™‚

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  1. dee February 19, 2011 at 11:07 am

    I’m itch to read seth godin’s book!
    by the way… apa kita aja atau memang kebanyakan buku yang berpengaruh buat orang itu non fiksi?

    1. astrid February 23, 2011 at 11:37 am

      Linchpin is definitely recommended! Or Purple Cow…
      Kalo gw curiganya iya sih, soalnya orang biasanya bisa lebih connect ke karakter non fiksi? Agak bingung juga sih… misalnya kan perjalanan Frodo di Lord of the Rings memang inspiring, tapi aneh kyknya klo dibilang Frodo changed my life?


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