On What I’ve Been Up To The Past Weeks

My bad, it’s already more than a month since I posted something :(. I’m currently working on a new design for my website/blog and I wanted to post after I’m done with it, but I realized it wasn’t going to happen in the next week, so I’ll just go on posting again with the old layout ;).

On to what happened the past weeks…

I took an online abstinence during the last weeks of the deadline. No twitter, no blogging, no facebooking, and it sort of carried on for a while. I have to admit it’s really helpful for getting things done! But of course I couldn’t abstain forever ;). A girl needs her social life! (Yes, I know it’s “only” virtual, but I love my online friends too)

I finished my first Indonesian novel last month, Addicted to Chili, just in time for submission for the Competition held by Jakarta Arts Council. They said they’ve received my entry, so now it’s finger’s crossed they are going to like it! Winner announcement is not until January, though *bites fingernails*.

I finished the website for a fabulous MG author, Jen K Blom, who wrote Possum Summer. It’s so pretty, I love it :D. Do let me know what you think of the website :).

Last but not least, I’m going to start doing this daily morning pages, writing down stuff that are scattered on my brain every morning. I bet it’s a better way to start my day than playing Farmville or Restaurant City >.<. The reason I’m mentioning it, is because I just found a cute Moleskine limited Pac-Man edition. It’s so awesomely geeky, I just **have** to get it!

Moleskine Pac-Man FrontMoleskine Pac-Man Back

and the stickers!!! *swoons*

Moleskine Pac-Man Stickers

Now on to work again! I’m also currently plotting a new book, and since it’s close to November anyways, I’ll join NaNoWriMo again this year (for the 5th time!). Will you guys join in?

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  1. dee October 29, 2010 at 2:53 am

    yay! definately join nano! ^o^


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