Having been to Berlinale almost every year since 2008, I might learn a few lessons in getting tickets and how to navigate through the festival. How and where to get them, and what you need…
Browsing Category Life & Travels
It’s a broader category of my Berlin life, traveling and food.
Exploring Street Food in Palermo
Even on my best behavior, I always find it hard to say no to “beautiful” food (will come to this later on). I have an Achilles heel for things that are fried and/or spicy. So…
Berlinale 2016, Part One: Culinary Cinema
It’s a wrap! This year I watched slightly more movies than usual. 2 Culinary Cinemas: Ants on a Shrimp and Wanton Mee, 3 Panoramas: War on Everyone, Goat, Junction 48 3 Berlinale Special Gala:…
Lange Nacht der Museen Berlin Summer 2015 – Routes #LNBerlin
I’m going again to the Lange Nacht der Museen (Long Night of Museums) in Berlin, summer edition 2015! It’s been a while, and thanks to the generosity of the team, I’ve been invited to go! It’s…
Fantasy Film Festival – Berlin 2014
More good movies! I think this is one of my favorite film festivals because it’s fun! (Yes I do think bloody zombies are funny) I originally planned only to see four movies, but ended up seeing…