In 2017 I ran 603 km (roughly 13km per week). It is not elite numbers, but it is 2.5 times more than what I did the previous year, and also still more consistent than on…
Browsing Category Running
It started as “the easier way to get healthy” to “training for a marathon”. I used to hate running but now it’s one of my favorite things to do. I’m still not fast, but I love it.
What I Talked About When I Talk About Running (Part 2)
Around 5.5 years later after I wrote my first post about running here. By now somehow I got a reputation of being a runner, most likely because I realized I kept posting the pictures on facebook….
9 Things I Learned from Running Half Marathon (Post Half Marathon Thoughts)
I did it! Finished the half marathon… Yesterday was the day and today as I recovered from that muscle pains and blisters, I am writing this down as I still have somewhat a post run bliss……
Pre Half Marathon Thoughts
I needed to write this mostly just for my future references. I want to record how I feel before the half marathon because I think I will feel differently tomorrow, after the event. You know,…
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Yes, I borrowed the title from Haruki Murakami’s book. But I thought about it a lot when I went for a run yesterday. I’ve mentioned something about my connection between doing sports and writing in…