9 Things I Learned from Running Half Marathon (Post Half Marathon Thoughts)

I did it! Finished the half marathon…

Medals and All :)
Medal and All 🙂

Yesterday was the day and today as I recovered from that muscle pains and blisters, I am writing this down as I still have somewhat a post run bliss…

1. It’s Not Going to Be Easy

Probably around half of the time, I’m still thinking “WTH am I doing here, there were always someone taking me over… I’m not good at this and so on :D”.

At km 2: OMG I’m only 10% done.

At km 3 to 6: I was so desperate for a drink… kept spying for the water stand, but then getting more motivated as I realized I actually run faster than on my trainings. There’s hope!

At km 7-8: Oh dear, there wasn’t ever going to be shades, wasn’t there?

At km 9-10: Hey, there’s Silke and Daniel! And shades!! Yay, I can do this! Clocked in at 1:20 for 10k, realizing I can totally finish under 3h.

At km 11-14: Running through Kudamm! Kind of a haze but it’s good when I walked the streets before I kinda now where I am. Kinda. It’s hard when you’re huffing and puffing.

At km 15-17: Abi’s knees started to give in. So we had to speed walk instead (We’re in this together!). And then I realized I speed walk faster than I slow run… Should I do power walk next time instead?

At km 17-18: It’s so close yet so far away…! I remember someone cheering me saying it’s only 4km more and I wanted to run again, but my brain gave up trying to tell my feet to run.

At km 19-20: Even closer but felt even further away. By this point I was not going “WTH am I doing here anymore” I was on to “Let’s do this! Let’s run strong…!”. But my feet still saying no.

At km 21:  OMG where is that damn finish line!!! We had to turn a corner and then… when I see it, I ruuuuuuuuunnnnn!

PS: My husband just told me I look dead all the way. Hahahaha that’s probably true!

Before the race. And no, I don't look like this throughout the run! :D
Before the race. And no, I don’t look like this throughout the run! 😀


2. Running With Someone Does Make It Easier

I’m so lucky to run with my husband. I mattered to have someone next to you and cheer each other up! I believe he could actually go faster but he decided to stay with my phase.. Although in the end he injured his knees, which was the only reason I’m slightly faster than him (sprinting the last 50m).

Thank you Abi, for making this a much more fun and bearable thing to do!!!

Yay! We made it!!
Yay! We made it!!

3. So Thankful for Everyone Cheering on the Streets!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!! For everyone clapping, calling my name, giving me high fives, yelling “You’re Awesome, You Can Do IT!”. It REALLY lift my spirits up and extra boosts every single time :).

Extra shoutout to a guy in Kurfurstendamm who handed me a bottle of Fanta. He must’ve been an angel… I really needed that! Thank you!!! You’re awesome!

4. And for My Friends Who Cheered on Us

Silke and Daniel, what a lovely surprise to see you guys!! That kilometer became slightly faster ;).

Yasmina, Robert, Heather, and Stefan, thanks for cheering us at the last kilometres! Also it was so nice to have lunch together afterwards :).

And Dom, for being a training buddy and motivator… plus watching a movie and sharing a beer afterwards make me feel slightly normal again (aka not self pitying from muscle ache). Plus the movie turned out to be awesome!

5. Don’t Under/Over estimate the Weather

Being Indonesian and thinking that 18 degrees C is cool… Well, think again. I’m probably used to Berlin weather anyways, and I underestimate that there were almost no shade along the way.

My throat was dry by km 3, and I kept looking forward for water all the way throughout the course… Then again, that kept me going… just a bit more until the next water station!

Clothing wise, I could probably go with something lighter. I have my jacket on, just because I don’t want to let go of my phone (aka source of music and running time). Next time I should invest in more types of running gear (you never know what Berlin weather is going to be!)

6. Starting Takes Awhile

We were on the last starting block (of course… and I don’t think I will ever be out of that block). But it took us almost 40 minutes just to get to starting line. Think someone was joking that by the time we start, the elite athletes are already finished :D. Almost true,  just by 5-10 minutes. Which totally reminds me of the hare and tortoise story ;).

Where is the Start Line?
Where is the Start Line?

It’s actually all fine, but looking back, that’s probably the reason why I was so thirsty in the first kilometers already! But I did not want to drink extra because…

7. Try Not to Go to the Toilet

The queue was massive… looks like everyone is going (and there 32.000 of us). I happen to live on the other side of town though, so there’s no way I could avoid it… although my friend said the toilet outside is emptier.

If you’re able to avoid this somehow, do it. It’s quite stressful to wait at the toilet queue.

8. I Possibly Won’t Ever Be Great at Running

Somehow for me to be able to really truly love something, I have to be good at it too (it’s the feedback mechanism thingie). I realized I probably would never be good at running… I think it’s impossible for me to run less than 2h for half marathon (or, rather, I probably have to train 10x more to get there than normal people)…

BUT I also realized I kind of enjoyed it… For me, I should say the hell with speed. Just the fact that I could participate in this event, never would’ve dreamt it possible as a child.

On the other hand, I’m looking forward to try out other sports this summer… biking, dancing, slacklining, rock climbing…

9. I CAN DO IT!!!!

The most important lesson!! Wowza!!! I can be sporty too!

Such an awesome feeling that trumps everything. So I plan to participate again next year! Just once a year though… for now ;).


And if you ever thought you want to do it, just do it! If I can do this, you could definitely do it too!!

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  1. Yasmina March 31, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Well done, you! I never doubted you wouldn’t finish, and there you were fretting about the bus 😛

    Looking forward to our 5K 🙂

    1. astrid March 31, 2014 at 10:34 am

      Hahaha yes, true that!! Looking back, I think I was really anxious before :D. And yes, let’s do it! 🙂

      1. Endah July 5, 2014 at 7:06 am

        Halo Mba Astrid, salam kenal.. saya endah dari jakarta indonesia
        saya senang bgt baca artikel mba di inggris ini, gimana caranya mba astrid bisa stay in inggris mba, boleh gak klo informasi ke saya? saya sangat berminat ke inggris mba.. makasih banyak ya


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