Pre Half Marathon Thoughts

I needed to write this mostly just for my future references. I want to record how I feel before the half marathon because I think I will feel differently tomorrow, after the event. You know, those after-run bliss? Yet right now I’m feeling rather nervous.

WTF am I Doing?

This is my first run event. I never did a 5K, nor a 10K. I just do a half-marathon (originally thought I would just go straight to marathon, but now I’m glad I didn’t – more on that later). That being said, I ran a 5K and 10K before (I’m not that crazy!), just not on a race.

But still, WTF? I’m this kid who is the top three slowest runners in school. I don’t even love running. Why did I even sign up?

I still have no idea. But I signed up, and I will run.

Can I do it? YES YES YES! (Peptalking myself with pompoms in my head)

Maybe I didn’t Train Enough…

Maybe. Most probably. I couldn’t run 5 days a week. That was too much for my well-being. BUT I did run 3 times a week, which is 4 times more than before I signed up for this. And I do yoga to counteract running muscles stiffness and swimming.

Maybe it doesn’t matter. (I could hear voices from my runner friends telling me how crazy I am). That’s just what I can do best while being the head of twindly. I also still like to go to parties and hang out with my friends. SO there’s that.

But at least I know I’m way more fit than last year!

Muscles, yo!
Muscles, yo!

There’s no turning back, so let’s just do it!

Love, Hate, Love, Hate, Love ….?

Whenever someone asked me if I love running, I’m always going like.. Umm… no I actually don’t like it. But then why did I run, right?

I now realize running is a love – hate relationship to me. I love how it makes me feel afterwards, not so much when I start. I do realize, however, that I love longer runs while taking a new surrounding. It’s the fresh air, the parks, the “yay, I’m in an open space!” kind of feeling. Now that I don’t really have time for long walks, running gets me the feeling in just half the amount of time ;).

Then I think this half marathon is a new way to see Berlin! We’re passing through most of the tourist spots, even my beloved Schloss Charlottenburg and KaDeWe! And the Rotes Rathaus (because I need something to look forward to at the last kms!)

Berlin Half Marathon 2014 Route
Berlin Half Marathon 2014 Routef

So LOVE. The weather forecast is nice too… 18 degrees and sunny! (I know it runs the risk of being too hot, but I still much prefer this than running in hailstorms).

Will I Make It?

Ah, the doubts. My goal is simple. Finish running the whole course without the bus picking you up. That’s all. I don’t have a time goal, it’s my first one, and I don’t really care.

As long as I have fun running it, I’ll say I win already. I’ve never pictured myself as a runner before, and now that I could run comfortably for two hours, that’s already a big win for me.

So yeah, I suspect the hardest part of the long distance run isn’t running on the day, but the training leading up to it (3-4 months of intense running!). This needs to be confirmed after the event.

I will make it! For sure!!



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